The amelie anniversary quiz... part 2!

hi ameliebugs!!! welcome back to amelie world for amelie quiz part 2!!!

1. where did we start dating???

2. what event did i get in trouble bc i called into work to go to it with you?

3. what is the zach meal?

4. who was the first itemlabel creature you got?

5. what was your favorite part of the our las vegas trip?

6. what book report did i help you write?

7. how many itemlabel creatures do we have together?

8. whats my favorite game series?

9. how many times have we camped together?

10. do you remember what album i listed to that i never had really before on the way home from chicago?

11. what bands have we seen together?

12. do you remember where we went for our anniversery in august?

13. do you remember the silly little thing i got there? i need to go find them and put them out...

14. my favorite board game?

15. the game i wanna play with you? well, one of them...

16. my favorite snack at the state fair?

17. the ds game u left at my house and still haven't brought home?

18. the name of my son?

19. a movie we saw together that i really wanna watch again?

20. one of the first suprise activity places? i wanna do suprise activities again!!!

21. the scariest date we ever had? its not what u probably think.

22. i got a famous persons autograph around when we started dating. do you know whos it is?

23. my favorite restruant?

24. the bug which is the scariest?

25. a place we went to for a fun activity but then turned scary?

26. where did we go dec 1?

27. my favorite little guy?

28. my silliest creature?

29. the next adventure you want to go on?

30. my very own alien?

Ameliebugs!!! sweetiebugs!!! alienbugs!!! we have been together a full year now! a year of silly things, jumping, playing, having fun, laughing, and being silly. so many adventures have been had from kayaking to latin dancing to even las vegas. thank you for spending all of that time with me. we have had hard days on our journey through the cosmos, but i am glad that we have spent them together. thank you for being so kind and caring and sweet and awesome. you are one of the kindest and caring people i have ever met. thank you for being there for me on my hardest days. i am so excited for what the future holds, and i am excited to see what it does with you. there are infinite adventures to be had, and the book we have to catalog them is just a small amount of the ones we can go on. i am excited to find out what they are with you. thank you for being so loving and awesome and silly. you are literally the silliest person on the planet (and the universe bc u are alien.)

i know that recently has been kind of difficult for us, but i am excited to grow closer and be snuggled up and be so in tune with eachother. to have wonderful moments full of whimsy together. to eat flowers and sand and be silly together. thank you for being by my side and i cant wait to see what the future has for us. thank you for being you and never stopping being you. i love you because you are you! and i am happy that we are us.

id #2